Monday, August 17, 2009

Mount Rainier Assorted Trails 8/15/09

In planning for this days hiking, my friend Jaime and I referred to the day as "The Ambitious Day of Hiking". Indeed, it turned out to be very ambitious! I believe I wrote in an earlier post that I was looking forward to having someone to talk to on the long drive to the mountain, perhaps Jaime and I enjoyed the conversation a bit too much. We were headed to the Nisqually entrance and I had written down the directions to get us there, which would have worked out fine if we had been paying more attention to things like road signs instead of gabbing away (the way we were talking you wouldn't think we see each other nearly every day at work!). Needless to say we clued into our mistake somewhere around Buckley I believe. A quick stop a gas station to pick up a map, and with Jaime as navigator now, we headed south on a series of back roads towards the Nisqually entrance (remember my last post about part of the joy of hiking being the journey...this was a perfect example!).

Our main goal for the day was to do two hikes: Comet Falls/Van Trump Park and Pinnacle Saddle. We decided to do some shorter and easier hikes along the way as we felt up to it. To get us warmed up and stretch our legs after the long drive, we decided to start with the short 2mile round trip hike on Kautz Creek. It took us a bit to get everything organized at the trail head. There were boots to put on, signs to tape to my informing people about the hike-a-thon and finally, Jaime and I's bug spray videos to make. We had the grand idea to field test various bug sprays and video tape ourselves throughout the day reporting back on their effectiveness and then posting the videos here for you all to review. However, as it turns out Saturday was the one day the bugs were not out on Mount Rainier, making our reviews a bit null and void. Oh well it was a good idea.

We did Kautz Creek in about an hour and hopped back in the car and headed to the next trail, Comet Falls. The parking area for Comet Falls was packed, as were both sides of the road leading up to and just past the trail head. We ended up parking at the Christine Falls viewpoint, thereby adding a total of .6 more miles to our hiking for this trail. The trail was definitely busy (if the parking situation wasn't proof enough), but we never felt crowded by others on the trail. The weather can best be described as heavy fog and mist, which was nice as it kept us cool on the steep climb up. My legs were feeling the effect of the two previous weeks of hiking and I generally lagged several yards behind Jaime. There were still wildflowers blooming along the trail and the views of the smaller falls and the rushing creek in the canyon below were fantastic, despite the fog and mist (in my opinion, the fog made everything look a bit more mysterious and mystical). We finally broke out to Comet Falls. The view of the falls can only be described as amazing. Initially the fog was so heavy we only saw the lower part of the falls, then as we looked harder we could see more water falling through the fog. (Photo is of Comet Falls)

It really looked as though the water was just falling in a column from the sky. The fog was so thick you couldn't see the top of the cliffs, even standing right at the base of the falls. It was eerie, fantastic and amazing. We ate lunch at the falls (while our fingers froze) and made the decision to head back down instead of pressing on to Van Trump Park. Seeing as the fog was not lifting and in fact getting heavier there would be no views from the top. So we made our way carefully down the steep trail.

Back at the car, with tired legs and rumbling stomachs we decided to head up to Paradise and see what the weather was like up there and then make a decision on Pinnacle Saddle. We arrived at Paradise in even thicker fog than was at Comet Falls. After finding a spot to park(the park was very busy as it was the free weekend) we sat in the car consuming the homemade blueberry pie slices which had been brought and other pieces of lunch. The decision was made to forgo Pinnacle Saddle. The point of hiking up there was for the views and there would be no views today. Instead we decided to head over to the Visitor Center (neither of us had been to the new Jackson Visitor Center yet) and check out some of the trails in the area behind the center. We lucked out and were able to catch a shuttle to the visitor center (we were parked a good mile or so away).

At the center we decided to head out on the Nisqually Vista trail and then possibly do the Alta Vista trail. With food in our stomachs and legs that had been rested for almost an hour we were in good spirits. When we came across a field of wildflowers with a bolder near the path we decided this was exactly the kind of set up that people use for their Senior Pictures in high school. The only logical thing to do would be for us to do our best 'Senior Picture' poses on the rock. (Photo: My "thoughtful" Senior Picture)This resulted in much laughter and at least one snort on my part. After the photo shoot we continued on our way, the fog and mist getting a bit heavier. As we turned onto the Nisqually Vista trail (we had been on the Avalanche Lily trail first), we were gabbing loudly when I suddenly looked up and was stunned. There not 20 feet in front of us about 6 feet off the trail was a large doe, just staring at us. I couldn't speak, I just put my arm out and stopped Jaime, who was still talking looking down at the trail. We both just stood there for a moment, amazed that the deer let us get so close and didn't seem concerned by our noise or our presence. Slowly the deer moved off into a small meadow by the trail and we moved a few steps up the trail. It was then that we saw the fawn, hanging out down by a small stream. Jaime and I stood there quietly snapping pictures. After a few minutes we heard voices coming through the fog. A little ways back we had passed a mother and her young daughter, guessing it was their voices we were hearing, Jaime quickly (and quietly) ran back up the trail to them to let them know about the doe and fawn and to tell them to come quickly (and quietly) if they wanted to see them. We stayed a couple minutes longer then left the mother and her daughter quietly watching the doe and fawn snacking in the meadow. (Photo: Doe and Fawn, checking out something in the bushes)
Upon completing the Nisqually Vista we returned to the visitor center. At this point the fog was even thicker. Seeing more than a dozen yards or so in front of you was difficult. Our legs tired (or at least mine were) we decided not to do the steep Alta Vista trail and headed back to the car. In consultation with the guidebook we decided we'd stop at Longmire on the way down and do the Trail of Shadows and Twin Firs loops. The Trail of Shadows was fun. We had done Rampart Ridge last year and walked a short portion of this trail, but didn't explore all of it. The bubbling 'soda' water was I think my favorite spot on the trail. When we finished the loop it was about 5pm and my stomach was rumbling. The decision was made to skip Twin Firs and head to Sidetrack Restaurant in Elbe (a restaurant we stumbled upon a few years ago on our way back from a from a snowshoeing trip). On the way to the restaurant we calmed our rumbling stomachs with some of the homemade zucchini chocolate spice cake that Jaime and brought along. (Photo: Somewhere out there is the "Nisqually Vista")
We finally made it back to Kirkland at about 9:30ish. A long but fun day. It was wonderful to see so many families with children out on the trails and exploring the mountain. I don't know if there were so many families because of the free day or not, but it was fun to see little toddlers navigating their way around roots and rocks on the trails. We joked that the mountain is plotting against us when it comes to weather. Last year when we went up in late July to see the wildflowers everything was still under snow, but the day was crystal clear and sunny and views of the mountain were fantastic. Saturday, the wildflowers were out, but if I hadn't known better I would never have guessed that there was a 14,000 foot peak right in front of me. But the fog didn't dampen our day. In fact I love the way my pictures turned out (I really think I like pictures with fog), even if the deer are a bit hard to spot amid the fog and mist. We've decided to come back on a clearer day and go up to Van Trump Park and do Pinnacle long as the mountain decides to go along with our plans and give us good weather!

Total Miles Hiked Today: 8.64
Total Miles Hiked this Month: 32.44
Total Falls: 2 (surprising considering the steep, rocky, rooty and wet Comet Falls Trail)

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